
If this is your password, you might want to change it

In some cases like Mark Zuckerberg who use a single password for all social media accounts, the hackers managed to hack into his Pinterest and LinkedIn accounts using the user id and password from Twitter.


According to the report on technology website, these credentials are now being sold on the dark web.

Meanwhile, the social giant stated that other online services had experienced millions of passwords being stolen during past weeks.

In June 2013, social network MySpace got breached, and 360 million user accounts were compromised.

Twitter has blamed the recent hacks on weak passwords and said in a statement, “We recommend people use a unique, strong password for Twitter”.

“He did not have a high-profile Twitter account”, noted Sean Sullivan, a security researcher at F-Secure Labs. They include those of singers Drake and Katy Perry, and the National Football League (NFL). The reasoning is that Zuckerberg’s password for LinkedIn was exposed in that breach and then used to access his other accounts.

While many prominent figures use Twitter extensively, Zuckerberg isn’t one of them.

Stay away from easy-to-guess passwords like “123456” or “password” and easy-to-guess identifiers, like your dog’s name.

In a Facebook post announcing the Q&A, Zuckerberg wrote, “When I travel around the world, I like to hold Townhall Q&As with people in different countries”.

Passwords that use up to ten upper- and lower-case letters mixed with numbers are proven to be more secure – despite being hard to remember. Facebook officials have confirmed that the hacked accounts have now been reclaimed.

Twitter reports that its systems have not been breached.

Data breaches…the gift that keeps on giving. LeakedSource has added the information to its search engine. It stated in a blog post that it got a copy of user information from the alias of the same person who last week provided it with hacked data form a Russian social network.

In early 2015, Twitter’s chief financial officer and head of Twitter Ventures, Anthony Noto’s account was hacked that resulted in many spam messages.


Electronic dance music artist Deadmau5 has also been a victim, with the hackers – OurMine Team again – gaining access to his SoundCloud account.

Evan William India Tv