
Illinois Democrats approve $3.9 billion spending bill

The measure would send aid to social service programs and higher education institutions that have gone without funding since July 1, because the Legislature has failed to pass a budget. The bill advanced out of the Illinois House unanimously Tuesday and now goes to the Illinois Senate for consideration.


Gov. Bruce Rauner has hit a brick wall attempting to convince House Speaker Michael Madigan to come to the negotiating table to talk about ending the long governmental impasse and then working out a budget deal. The state Senate must vote on the legislation again since it was amended.

CHICAGO, April 12 The head of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) said on Tuesday that Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner’s fiscal 2017 school funding budget would hurt the financially ailing district.

“I’m not going to be a part of that hoax”, said Brady, who represents Illinois State University and has been part of bipartisan negotiations on a higher education budget.

Democrats didn’t muster the 71 votes they’d need to override a Rauner veto.

However, Illinois Federation of Teachers’ President Dan Montgomery blasted the plan for investing in “the same broken formula” that has plagued the state’s public education system.

The Illinois House has passed a measure to suspend fines for drivers who are late renewing their vehicle license plates until the state can continue mailing reminders. Rauner said the $75 million loss is less than what CPS would lose under the current democratic funding formula.

“This is another unconstitutional appropriation for which we should all be voting no”, Wheeler said.

Also, Governor Rauner’s education funding plan is calling for an extra 55-million-dollars to be spent on IL public schools.


Among the items on his agenda are making workers’ compensation laws friendlier to employers, enacting term limits for lawmakers, and giving local governments control over what issues are subject to collective bargaining with workers.
