
Image of a ‘baby bear’ spotted on NASA’s Mars footage

Aside from a bear, the UFO hunters claimed to have also found a prairie dog, a squirrel and even an alien woman watching the Rover from a distance on Mars. The video creators have enhanced the image in the video to show the actual shape of the alleged animal. The video claims the animal has a small head, a plump body, and three legs visible.


This video has captured attention of many alien hunters, including self-proclaimed alien expert Scott Waring of UFOSightingsDaily who says this animal is actually a baby bear with real hair. NASA tries to put out of sight plants and the living creatures that can be seen in color. Waring claims that this is a proof of living creatures existing on Mars, and adds that this is why NASA posts photos only in black and white. As he wrote on UFO Sightings Daily, walking baby polar bear he claimed to be in a recent NASA photo is a great example of that. Waring had previously spotted statue of Buddha on the Red Planet.

While he continues his efforts of finding more such anomalies and reports them to us as well as the United Nations, I was also wondering if my findings will be considered by United Nations and will Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General, act on those!

“I will send this to the Secretary General of the United Nations…(as) I often alert them about these unbelievable discoveries”, Waring wrote in his site.


However, UFO hunters are sure about what they have seen and they want that the rest of the world should also know the truth.

A low-angle self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows the vehicle at the site from which it reached down to drill into a rock target