
Improved View-Master DLX Coming This Fall

But now the sequel is already on deck: View-Master 2.0 is slated for release this fall. There was a lot of cool swag shown off, and Mattel went in heavy with a variety of toys including the View-Master View DLX. This weekend at the New York Toy Fair.


A year on from announcing the surprisingly awesome Google Cardboard-inflected View-Master revival, Mattel has unveiled an improved update.

Gizmodo says the DLX also features an improved latch for the phone enclosure that ensures your handset won’t suddenly drop to its death, as well as a new mount that can accommodate a wider range of device sizes.

In addition to hardware, the DLX will launch with new VR experiences.

This time around, Mattel has included a headphone jack, which was one of the glaring omissions the first time around. Those include a pair of new optical lenses that come with enhanced focal powers, and a new scroll button on the top with which you can manually control the focus of your virtual reality headset. The latter feature is found on the Gear VR and will be useful for those who have less than ideal vision. The newest theme to be added is a dinosaur experience pack, which has been developed in collaboration with National Geographic, the Verge reported.

For example, a solar system experience pack has integration with the View-Master app so that when users look at reels through the View-Master space shuttles and planets appear.


The View-Master Virtual Reality Viewer 2.0, available this fall, does see a price bump to $US40 – which in Australia will probably be about $80. Viewer DXL will get going at a slightly increased price of $40 compared to the $30 price point at which the View-Master VR is now being sold.

View-Master Shows Off Updated Version Of Its Iconic Virtual Reality Viewer