
In 2016, Clinton and Sanders turn to GOP to win Democrats

“To me, it’s who is more electable”, said Al Hart, a retired social studies teacher from Ankeny who said he made a decision to support Clinton after listening to her speech at the museum.


When a voter in Sioux City asked Clinton to compare herself to Sanders, she touted her plans to rein in Wall Street and said she had a strong track record on issues like education and health care.

And in a pre-buttal to Sanders’ speech, Clinton chief financial officer Gary Gensler, the former head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, prodded Sanders to endorse Clinton’s Wall Street plan. “Wall Street and their lobbyists regulate Congress. We must change that reality and as president I will”.

“Now, my opponent, Secretary Clinton says that Glass-Steagall would not have prevented the financial crisis because shadow banks like AIG and Lehman Brothers, not big commercial banks, were the real culprits”.

Clinton has endorsed an approach that would break up large banks that take excessive risks. Glass-Steagall was created to keep commercial banking and investment banking separate.

O’Malley said that any of the Republican candidates running for president would “take us backward” and he, like Clinton, put the onus on Nevadans.

Sanders addressed those criticism Tuesday, saying that in the first days of his presidency, his administration would make a list of “too big to fail” commercial banks, shadow banks and insurers.

Sanders’ team has pointed to more recent Quinnipiac polling in December showing him beating Republican front-runner Donald Trump by thirteen points, compared to Clinton’s seven point edge in a hypothetical matchup.

If the June primary were held today, 46 percent of likely voters would pick the former secretary of state, USA senator and first lady, while 35 percent would vote for Sanders, a US senator from Vermont who bills himself as a Democratic socialist. Now, she has for months pitched herself as more accessible in this key early voting state as she tries to fend off her rivals in the Democratic primary, Sen. “While it makes for great political theater, there is zero chance of breaking up the large banks, ” Greg McBride, chief financial analyst at, said. While voters say they see Clinton as competent and experienced, they generally give her lower ratings on trustworthiness and compassion.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Tuesday outlined her plan for dealing with autism, which affects millions of Americans and their families, calling for nationwide screening and a ban on the use of physical restraints in schools.

“In The Divine Comedy, Dante reserved a special place in hell for those who charged people usurious interest rates”, Sanders said. Wall Street and corporate greed is destroying the fabric of our nation.

“If a bank is too big to fail, it is too big to exist”. Several pieces of legislation to break up large banks have been introduced in Congress since the crisis, but none have won much support by either Democratic or GOP majorities. His plans would require agreements from the heads of many agencies and other regulators, which Sanders would appoint, but it would also require approval by the Senate. Her proposals, she has argued, are both more targeted and tougher.


Clinton’s focus on personal discussions is an implicit course correction after she was viewed as imperious eight years ago, when she came in third in the Iowa caucuses.

Sanders vowing to break up banks during first year in office