
In 50 Million: Rare Triplet Boys Born In New York

Owen, Noah, and Miles each weighed less than three pounds at birth but are doing well at home with their parents and 2-year-old brother, per WABC. Moreover she also needs to take care of the fact that the infants are put down for naps immediately after the food.


The family did not use fertility drugs. He added, “Noah is the most fussy, without a doubt. And then Owen, he’s kind of more outgoing already”, the proud father said.

The couple has adopted a unique way of telling them apart so that it’s easier to feed and change them by painting their toenails in different shades.

As CBS2’s Carolyn Gusoff explained, the couple learned about the exceptional conception in an early sonogram, three babies, all womb mates.

A Long Island, New York, family welcomed the newest additions to their family in July: identical triplets, a 1 in 50 million occurrence.

The parents were anticipating twins earlier in Kelli’s pregnancy when her physician confirmed they were having identical triplets, conceived naturally. Jason says he and Kelli purchased what he thought was a huge three bedroom two bath house in April of 2012, but he says they unexpectedly outgrew their dream house. “So genetically speaking they are identical”, said Dr. Martin Chavez, Winthrop University Hospital. “But a conservative approach is one in a million”. The tech told them Kelli is pregnant with triplets and they are identical.

“Some people hit the money lottery”, said their dad, Jason Fenley, a 38-year-old attorney.


And already, Jason said, they are growing into their own distinct personalities. That’s because the three boys are identical triplets. The couple hopes that soon they will drop the color coding, as their true colors come through. Kelli’s sister and mother-in law will provide hands on assistance.

1 In 50 Million: Rare Triplet Boys Born In New York