
In 50-state race, not all states are equal

Chelsey, 27, is a legal worker who has pledged to write in Bernie Sanders even if Clinton takes the nomination. “It’s a really big community of people who are donating small amounts and volunteering their time in small amounts, which add up to quite a bit”. Their face-to-face meeting at a Washington hotel on Tuesday night was an initial step in the process, in the shadow of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. His supporters flocked to the Internet after his speech, sharing support and excitement under the trending hashtag #OurRevolution.


Sanders’s campaign certainly rattled the establishment and raised doubts around the negative view many hold of Clinton but his only real upset was his victory in MI. “A fight that will continue tomorrow, next week, next year and into the future”.

Without a Sanders concession, Clinton supporters are hoping Trump will provide the key to unity.

Sanders often says he can not simply “snap my fingers” and make his millions of supporters, many of them millennials, march in line behind Clinton.

“We all know that Hillary Clinton is the nominee, but Sanders can stay in there to make his moment more dramatic”, he said.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation table was very well received throughout the event and afterwards, with hundreds of flyers distributed and many people signing up to find out more about the socialist organization and its 2016 presidential candidate, Gloria La Riva.

RoseAnn DeMoro, director of National Nurses United, a union that endorsed Sanders, characterized the movement that has coalesced around him as “a left version of the Tea Party”.

Before his rise to progressive fame, Sanders “had a reputation for being cantankerous, hard to work with, ill humored… he was kind of the Yosemite Sam of the Senate”, said Rutgers political scientist Ross Baker, who has spent time working in Congress as well.

The wording echoed comments that Sanders has made before – in particular after his supporters took part in a near-brawl at a party convention last month in Nevada.

He did, however, encourage his followers to become engaged in the process in order to increase Democratic success in local and state races, which Republicans increasingly have won during the Obama years. And she should give all that money back to all these countries.

More recently, a hack of the DNC revealed a strategy memo from May 2015, a month after Sanders joined the race, which seems wholly focused on defending and electing Hillary Clinton.

Sanders urged the Democratic Party to develop organizations and recruit candidates to help them compete against the GOP in all 50 states.


“I don’t know”, Jaye said.

Bernie Sanders