
In An Effort To Pressure Trump, Clinton Releases Tax Rate

So Clinton dropped one of her favorite stump-speech lines today, with no mention of growing Obama’s legacy, and instead talked about the perks of togetherness.


Clinton has tried to paint Trump has an out-of-touch business mogul but her substantial wealth has caused headaches. But his economic message was quickly buried by the controversy over his gun control remarks.

The Republican presidential nominee brushed off conservative radio commentator Hugh Hewitt’s attempt to reframe Trump’s observation as one that said Obama’s foreign policy created the conditions in Iraq and Syria that allowed IS to thrive. “I oppose it now, I’ll oppose it as president.”And Clinton acknowledged that her rebuke of the deal sounds pretty similar to Trump’s position-he opposes TPP, along with most modern trade deals, including NAFTA”. “It would do nothing for 99.8 percent of Americans”.

Get the right tax professional and “it would be child’s play”, said Steve Rosenthal, a tax lawyer and senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center. The Estate Tax – which Republicans prefer to call the Death Tax – only affects estates worth more than $5 million, and just 0.2 percent of people who die each year surpass that threshold. “So they’d get a $4 billion tax cut, and 99.8 percent of Americans would get nothing”.

CLAIM: “I will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages – including the Trans-Pacific Partnership”.

“I think we should strengthen (basic regulations) so Wall Street can never wreck Main Street again”, she said.

“The answer is to finally make trade work for us, not against us”, Clinton said.

While Clinton’s economic speech largely ignored tech issues, she did outline a tech-policy agenda back in June. “He’s offered no credible plans”, she said, taking aim at the tax plan Trump unveiled earlier this week – specifically a detail of his plan she labeled as the “Trump loophole” that would cut taxes for wealthy people like her Republican opponent.

Here’s what she is referring to: Under his tax reform proposal Trump would slash the income tax rate on all business income to 15%.

Donald Trump is just another rich Republican who will serve his class, not the middle class and certainly not the working-class white men who are going to give him their votes.

The campaign reported the Clintons’ effective tax rate as 34%, which includes the more than $300,000 the couple paid in self-employment taxes, which are payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

Blasting Trump for what she called his pessimistic view of America, she told the crowd, “There is nothing we can’t do if we do it together”.

“I oppose it now, I’ll oppose it after the election, and I’ll oppose it as president”, she said, while also noting that the United States should not cut itself off from the rest of the world. “Five million of them live in homes without access to the internet”. It also lets them escape taxation if they sell a property and put the money in trust so long as it’s designated to acquire a similar property in the near future.


Though Trump was able to keep from his usual over-the-top rhetoric during Monday’s speech, which he read from a teleprompter, he has yet to demonstrate that level of self-control on the campaign trail, Mahaffee noted.

'He'd pay a lower rate' than middle class