
In an effort to pressure Trump, Clinton releases tax return

According to CNN, in 2015, the Clintons raked in around $10.6 million and paid $3.24 million in federal income taxes. During the Ford administration, the top federal income tax rate was 70 percent.


Kaine and his wife Anne Holton, who resigned in July as Virginia’s education secretary, paid an effective federal tax rate of 20.3 percent in 2015 on $313,441 in adjusted gross income, according to a copy of their return.

Trump, Clinton’s Republican opponent, has steadfastly refused to release any of his personal tax information, citing legal advice from Trump Organization counsel not to publicly disclose his tax returns before the completion of an audit.

Then-President Richard Nixon released his tax returns in 1973, starting an informal precedent.

‘In stark contrast, Donald Trump is hiding behind fake excuses and backtracking on his previous promises to release his tax returns, ‘ Palmieri said. What is he trying to hide?’ Every major-party nominee since the late 1970s has released tax returns before Election Day.

Compounding the downward trajectory of Trump’s polling data is apparent pressure from a portion of the conservative electorate that has failed to coalesce around his candidacy. Every presidential nominee in decades has put out his or her returns for public scrutiny.

The former United States president said Mrs Clinton should have known that there would be a different set of rules applied to her if she ran for the White House.

Along with the tax returns, Ms Clinton’s campaign also released a video featuring Republican leaders saying Mr Trump should make his filings public.

That year, the Clintons donated $1,042,000 to charity, with the vast majority – $1 million – going to the Clinton Family Foundation. Including state and local taxes, the pair paid an effective rate of 43.2% in taxes 2015.

The Clintons, like millions of Americans, are self-employed.

‘I want more Americans to have the chance to work hard and get ahead, just like we did.

Clinton claimed to be “broke” after leaving the White House.

The power couple reported earning $10.7 million in income in 2015, and claimed a tax liability of $3.6 million.

What might be in Trump’s tax return? A lower income would question his image as a successful businessman.

“These are supposed to be battleground states, but right now, they don’t look that way”, said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.


With that in mind, we figured we’d at least try to track how long we’d been waiting to see Trump’s tax returns.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton gives a speech on the economy after touring Futuramic Tool & Engineering in Warren Michigan on Thursday Aug. 11 2016. | Andrew Harnik  AP