
In Belgrade, Biden calls for better Serbia-Kosovo ties

Clinton holds a commanding nine-point lead against Trump in Pennsylvania, where some polls show her outpacing the GOP nominee by double digits, according to the RealClearPolitics average.


What other nations are anxious about as they watch events in the United States is whether Trump can get elected, Biden said.

Clinton said the defeat of ISIS, a sprawling menace tied to attacks by radicalized extremists in Europe, the United States, Africa and the Middle East, “won’t be easy or quick, but make no mistake, we will prevail”.

Vice President Biden tore into Donald Trump on Monday during a rally for Hillary Clinton in Scranton, Pa., calling his ideas “dangerous” and “un-American”. He has returned often in campaigns since, and also joined Obama here in 2013 to mark five years since they joined as a political ticket. A Biden presidential candidacy was in play at the time, and the rally nearly had the appearance of an early endorsement.

“Both sides have responsibility to follow through on the commitments made in Brussels and to look for new areas to keep the dialogue moving forward once that’s done – it can’t be the end, it should be the beginning”, he said. Close aides say he stands by the decision even as he marvels at the campaign that has ensued without him, and at times muses about how he might have performed in it. In Pennsylvania, she is up an average of 9.2 per centage points at 49.2 per cent to 40 per cent for Trump, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average. Directing his pitch to voters who were struggling financially, Biden said, “There’s only one person in this election who will possibly help you, and that is Hillary Clinton”.

She acknowledged that many people in the audience might have friends considering voting for the Republican, but offered this advice.

But aides say Biden’s role will still be crucial.

Biden had been an outspoken critic of the Serbian state in the 1990s and a strong supporter of intervention in the region. The vice president is expected to campaign on Clinton’s behalf in several battleground states where he remains popular, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Florida.

The Democratic presidential nominee has been campaigning heavily in working-class battleground states such as Pennsylvania where she is now leading Trump by a significant margin.

Clinton herself has revealed the extent to which she values Biden’s grasp on the middle-class psyche, incorporating some of his language as she contrasted Trump’s economic vision with hers. They were “worse than I ever imagined”, she said.


Biden warned that Trump was unprepared to oversee the nation’s nuclear codes and cited Trump’s praise of Putin and the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

US Vice President Joe Biden dances with street actress Ljiljana jaksic known by her professional name Salveta