
In business and politics, Trump stokes internal rivalries

Indian-America Nikki Haley was considered for the post, but she ruled herself out of the race.


Trump has said he has short-listed about half a dozen candidates whom he was looking at as his potential running mate. Wallace directed the conversation back to Trump’s attack on Martinez, stating, “On the specific question of this, he didn’t just say ‘Well, gee, things could be better in New Mexico, ‘ he said, I’m looking at the quote here, ‘She, the governor, is not doing the job'”.

Earlier this month, Trump said he would stick with tradition and name his running mate at the Republican National Convention in July. “Donald Trump is winning with Latinos, if you look at the last poll, he’s winning with Hispanics, if you look at the polls, he’s doing very well with women”, the campaign manager said, prompting Wallace to interrupt him.

But he said if a woman is qualified, that’s a “totally different story”. “And there are many Republican women who are qualified, and several who might be on the list”, Manafort continued. It’s been rigged from the beginning, for Hillary Clinton.

“Corey, wait, he’s not winning with women, he’s not winning with Hispanics”, Wallace cut in to say, pointing out that Trump’s numbers with both were “hugely underwater”.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R), who has been generally supportive of Trump’s campaign, called the comments “very, very, destructive” and said it “sent all the wrong signals”. Manafort alleged that the 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was jealous of Trump.


The billionaire businessman depended nearly exclusively on conservative and GOP-leaning whites — a majority of them men — to secure the Republican nomination.

Donald Trump cares about his own legacy and he cares about the “brand Trump. But there are no do-overs as President