
IN delegates at DNC talk Kaine, hammer Pence

Kaine lashed out at Trump for his policy rhetoric.


That was a change from Kaine’s position in 2005, when he supported parental consent laws and bans on “partial birth” abortions, causing the Virginia chapter of NARAL Pro-Choice America to withhold an endorsement in his gubernatorial campaign. Kaine said, mimicking Trump.

“It is very important to have a vice president to either to cover the weakness or emphasize the strength of the candidate”. “Donald Trump”, said Kaine, referring to the slab of parboiled walrus flesh that happens to be his opponent.

While we still have more to see and hear from Kaine as the general election commences, it’s clear that he believes in Hillary as a presidential candidate.

The leak confirmed the worst fears of many Sanders supporters, who staged a massive walkout Tuesday when Clinton was officially nominated.

The Virginia senator – in a prime-time speech at the Democratic convention – is detailing his rise from a member of the Richmond City Council to the city’s mayor, to Virginia’s lieutenant governor to governor.

“When the American people discover this guy, I’m going to be sitting back with a big grin on my face, because he is truly a man of character”, Booker said.

The “other guy”, of course, is Trump, who Kaine openly mocked, repeating “Believe me”, “Believe me”, in a deep Trump-voice imitation.

“Kaine has an unusual range of experience, both executive and legislative and at all levels of government, with experience on both domestic and foreign issues”, Zelikow said in an email statement.

(AP Photo/John Locher). Democratic Vice Presidential candidate, Sen.

“He has done a great job representing [Virginians’] values on the national stage”, Tobin added.

“Not Donald Trump”, Kaine said. The governor whose state hosted his party’s convention in Cleveland “wouldn’t even attend it because he thinks Trump is such a moral disaster”, said Kaine. “Later in 2006, when Virginia voters were faced with an anti-marriage equality constitutional amendment, then-governor Kaine announced his opposition to the measure on the steps of the Governor’s Mansion with his wife and her parents”.

– The headliner will be President Barack Obama.

“The two have a lot of commonalities”, Perry said.

Also last month, Kaine signed onto a friend-of-the-court brief in a case in the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, arguing that Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act already prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

New Jersey also might have been on Trump’s mind because its current governor, Republican Chris Christie, was among Trump’s finalists for the vice presidential nod that ultimately went to Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.

The low-key senator, 58, explained what he admires in Clinton – what he called consistent principles in fighting for families and justice, and a shared Christian faith.

Beyond Florida, his language skills could be an asset for Clinton in the battleground states of Colorado, Nevada and Virginia.

Kaine’s Senate voting record gets a 90.8 percent liberal score from the left-leaning, which ranks him 33rd out of 46 Democrats.


Kaine publicly praised the TPP less than 24 hours before being named as Clinton’s VP, calling it “an upgrade of labor standards… environmental standards… and intellectual property protections”.

Tim Kaine left and Mike Pence