
In First Joint Interview, Mike Pence Aims to Be Trump-Interpreter

Best known to national audiences for a controversial religious freedom bill staunchly opposed by LGBT groups, Pence said he is “a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order”.


“This “Never Trump” push, it’s been an interesting story, but it’s one of noise at this point, not of substance”, Alabama GOP Chairwoman Terry Lathan said Sunday. They include Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Susana Martinez, who are in Cleveland this week, but boycotting Trump’s’ convention.

The Pence campaign staff, with Nick Ayers as senior adviser, will manage day-to-day operations for Pence and work with the remainder of the Trump campaign team. We’re going to have unbelievable intelligence, which we need; which, right now, we don’t have.

A vehicle carrying some of Donald Trump’s campaign staff was involved in a minor accident on the way from Trump Tower in NY to LaGuardia Airport.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee and his running mate, the governor of IN, are giving the interview before the Republican National Convention starts Monday IN Cleveland.

Beyond that he dedicated little time to social conservative issues, instead emphasizing the leadership roles he assumed in Congress and his economic record as in governor. But, on Sunday night, Pence agreed with Trump’s slightly softened stance on the issue, pointing out that he had acted to ban Syrian refugees from coming to IN (a move a court ruled unconstitutional).

And there were Republicans with whom Trump personally felt far more comfortable: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

The vote is sought by anti-Donald Trump delegates who want the ability to vote for someone other than Trump.

Trump spent more time talking about himself, “crooked” Hillary Clinton and standard policy positions than he did praising running mate Mike Pence in a almost 30-minute introduction.

Lesley Stahl asked Indiana Governor Mike Pence in his first interview with Donald Trump since Trump selected Pence as his presidential running mate.

“He’s entitled to make a mistake every once in a while”, Trump said of Pence.

“I think they’re totally out of step, and I think you have to question where they are”, said Republican state Sen. And she said the governor must have been “doing mental gymnastics in his head” sometimes to bring their views together. “I don’t think he would be the WWE president”, he says. But Trump postponed the event because of the attack in Nice, France, that claimed dozens of lives.

That moment may help Trump score what he needs most from the convention: a picture of a Republican Party united behind his candidacy.


There are still efforts to force a state-by-state roll call on the rules for the convention.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence at a vice presidential unveiling event in New