
In first national TV ad, Rubio talks of terror threat

(At least two other GOP candidates, billionaire Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz, also oppose the USA allowing any new refugees.) That prompted President Barack Obama, who is standing by his directive to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees in the coming year, to mock Republicans as being “scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America”.


Rubio said he still doesn’t support air strikes against Assad – and that the move he supported then and now is to arm moderate Sunni rebels in a fight against Assad’s regime. “The fact that it’s acted as a catalyst towards focusing on national security is an important development in this campaign, but no terrorist attack is a positive development”.

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio on Sunday released his campaign’s first television ad that will begin running nationwide starting Tuesday.

Titled “A Civilizational Struggle”, the 30-second spot features a solemn Rubio speaking into the camera about why the U.S. must eliminate the threat posed by the self-described Islamic State.

On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Florida Senator Marco Rubio referred to the deadly Paris terrorist attacks as “a positive development”, because it would make Americans focus more on national security issues and the realities of terrorism. “In his new ad, Rubio says that the attackers “want to kill us because we let women drive, because we let girls go to school” and characterizes the state of the world as a battle between freedom and terror”.

In the wake of the November 13 Paris attacks that left 130 people dead, the presidential hopeful calls the terrorists “disgruntled or disempowered people”.


His message is clear: there is no negotiating option. A Rubio spokesman declined to specify the size of the ad buy.

Rubio hits Cruz on national security, immigration