
In need of help, Trump finds few willing to work for him

He said that he has changed his voter registration from “Republican” to “unaffiliated”. The lawsuit notes that in Virginia, delegates are not chosen directly by the voters according to whom they will support, but rather in separate local party conventions.


The Trump campaign has long dismissed such efforts to peel away delegates from his tally, especially now that he has more than enough to clinch the nomination.

“I think there is a real concern that Trump is going to lead the Republicans to a Barry Goldwater-type 1964 defeat”, said Roger Stauter, an RNC delegate from Monona. “What we are doing in our movement is challenging Trump to be a better candidate”.

The law in question states: “Delegates and alternates shall be bound to vote on the first ballot at the national convention for the candidate receiving the most votes in the primary unless that candidate releases those delegates and alternates from such vote”. “You can’t split the party any more than it’s been split and expect it to be successful”.

PJM reported that Will cited House Speaker Paul Ryan’s endorsement of Trump is one of the reasons why he chose to leave the party.

“Right now I feel no obligation to lift a finger to help Donald Trump”, said Brent Swander, an Ohio-based operative who has coordinated nationwide logistics for Republican campaigns dating back to George Bush.

A Republican Party of Wisconsin spokesman said in a statement that its members “are engaged, motivated and have the energy to be successful in November” and that more Republicans than Democrats voted in the primary.

Speaking with PJ Media Friday, Will said that it was too late for GOP to nominate someone who isn’t Trump.

“It’s been great, the response I’ve gotten”, Paduchik said.

Gov. Walker suggested last week that Republican delegates should be able to follow their conscience.

The report says that according to PJ Media, George Will, a longtime Washington Post columnist, Fox News contributor and former Ronald Reagan campaign worker, said House Speaker Paul Ryan’s endorsement of Trump was one reason he made a decision to leave the Republican Party.


Of the state’s 42 delegates, 36 are pledged to Ted Cruz.

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