
In South Carolina, big leads on both sides

In a new poll of South Carolina GOP primary voters from Public Policy Polling, this divide is demonstrated in sharp terms. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Jeb Bush are all in contention for these spots. Cruz has just 22 percent of the Evangelical vote, according to the survey.


After leading in the polls for months, the real estate mogul won the New Hampshire primary after coming in second in Iowa, behind Ted Cruz, who doesn’t have many fans in the establishment either. In addition, among voters who remain undecided or presently support Kasich, Bush or Carson, 37 percent said they could move in Rubio’s direction, compared to 19 percent for Trump and 13 percent for Cruz. It’s also important to note that this is open racists, we can assume there is some percentage of SC republicans who think whites are superior that wouldn’t admit it to a pollster.

Still, 29 percent of voters admited they may switch between now and the Republican primary on February 20, though 77 percent of Trump’s supporters said they are firmly in his corner and will “definitely” cast their ballots for him.

Tuesday’s poll showed that despite Cruz’s strong push in the South, he has the worst net favorability of all the candidates, 42 percent favorable, 48 percent not.

-By an 80/9 spread, Trump voters support his proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States.

Now, South Carolina isn’t exactly known for its progressive views, but these numbers are both shocking and disheartening as they reveal how rampant homophobia and racism are in the state. In fact 31% would support a ban on homosexuals entering the United States as well, something no more than 17% of anyone else’s voters think is a good idea.


On the Democratic side, the poll found Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders 55 to 34 percent, largely on the strength of a 63 to 23 advantage among African-American voters. Democrats will hold theirs a week later, on February 27.

16% of Trump Supporters in South Carolina Are Willing to Tell Pollsters They Are Openly White Supremacists