
In the 21st century, we can wear shorts: girls from MANIT, Bhopal

“Why should we listen to others?”


Women students of Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) here on Thursday created a ruckus and boycotted classes over official orders to allow them entry into hostels only till 9.30 p.m. and barring them from wearing short skirts.

Speaking to the media one of the girl students said, “We attend our college from 9 am-5 pm, then we go for out coaching classes”.

“We are not allowed inside hostel post 9:30PM”.

MANIT Counsel of Warden NP Patidar said that the management is considering the demands of the girl students.

The students have alleged that the institute authorities have stipulated 9.30 pm as their deadline to enter the hostel, while there is no such restriction on boys. We are forced to sleep in lobby area if we don’t make it by 9:30 p.m.

The girl named Harsha further said the same rule doesn’t apply on the boys. The female students however vehemently protested the dress code rule arguing that the hostel should have the environment of home where they would feel comfortable. Another student Shivangi said questioned the “dress code” on the campus.

In a notice, the administration of the institute also asked girls not to wear shorts and skirts on campus.

Students protest against dress code, hostel timings.


According to reports, the students also sat on a dharna wearing shorts inside the campus, and daring the authorities to take action against them.

Bhopal Female students of MANIT protest over dress code hostel timings