
In Utah, porn to be deemed a ‘health hazard’

More specifically, the S.C.R. 9 concurrent resolution on the public heath crises says porn is a “a public health hazard leading to a broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts and societal harms”. The resolution, sponsored by Senator Todd Weiler, declares that pornography “normalizes violence and abuse of women and children” and that it “equates violence towards women and children with sex and pain with pleasure, which increases the demand for sex trafficking, prostitution, child sexual abuse images, and child pornography”.


The remarks were made as a spirited defense of the state’s declaration that pornography is a public health crisis. “It is a world in which porn exists, the Internet exists, and we need to show our kids how to live in it, and first we need to live in it ourselves, make porn a healthy part of our communication or communicate why we don’t want it in our relationship”.

In the resolution, lawmakers call pornography a harmful “epidemic” which particularly affects young people and “perpetuates a sexually toxic environment” by encouraging risky and demeaning sexual behavior. A “willful failure” to report these findings will be a misdemeanor that can be punished by up to six months in prison plus a hefty fine.

The bill is more specific, requiring that computer technicians who find child porn in the course of their work report it to law enforcement.

Jennifer Brown, a mother of five boys who says she’s researched the harms of pornography, called the industry an “empire of destruction” that causes misery and suffering.

A host of speakers including Gov. Gary Herbert and state Sen. It encourages people to head to the Capitol and “celebrate and recognize this historic moment!”

“This is a challenge young people are dealing with at a level we have never seen”, said Olsen, wearing a “Porn Kills Love” T-shirt.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation announced drafted the resolution.

While there is no question that parents should not allow their children to watch pornography, the claims that science proves x-rated content is detrimental to society aren’t fool-proof, according to Kerner.

Pamela Atkinson, chairwoman of the Utah Coalition Against Pornography, said pornographers are “always one step ahead of us”.


“I’ll tell you that pornography is steadily, inexorably, unendingly present, that there is more of it, that it’s easier for everyone, including children, to access, and that it continues to rend the very moral fabric of our society whether that be the family, or the community, or the very state or the nation”.

Utah State Legislature Calls Out Porn