
‘Incompetent Hillary’: Donald Trump debuts his possible nickname for Hillary Clinton

Clinton shared her response on Twitter and appeared on NBC’s TODAY.


While Cruz has talked about “carpet bombing” enemies “into oblivion”, she said, “proposing that doesn’t make you sound tough; it makes you sound like you’re in over your head”. All the presidential candidates have weighed in following the deadly attacks from Bernie Sanders and Republican Gov. John Kasich who said they both want to destroy ISIS.

Hillary Clinton is celebrating her win in Arizona and emphasizing the importance of the upcoming election.

“How high the does the wall have to be to keep the internet out?” she asked, again jabbing Trump. Ted Cruz (Texas) for comments that she claimed would undermine global security organizations such as North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and increase scrutiny on American Muslims.

In the wake of the Brussels bombings, GOP front-runner Donald Trump reiterated a call to close USA border and advocated the use of torture.

Ouch! Slamming Obama, and apparently the Bush administration, though an aide to the former president reached out USA Today to say that Clinton was referring to the Republican obstructionism during that time. That makes him a near ideal foil for Clinton, who has devoted the entire week to pummeling Trump’s credentials to be commander-in-chief. It also would play into the hands of USA adversaries, she said. “Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on terror. Throughout our history, we have stared in the face of evil, and refused to blink”, she said.

CLINTON: That’s a really important question and, uh, I don’t know that Europe has yet fully come to grips with the threat that, uh, ISIS poses, and remember there are other groups that are ISIS-like that are intent on radical jihadist terrorist attacks.


Clinton also criticized the lack of information sharing among member states of the European Union, which she said has exacerbated the difficulties of catching and tracking terrorism suspects whose behaviors ought to have tipped off law enforcement well before the attack.

Hillary Clinton ‘Walls Will Not Protect Us’ from Islamic State				
			by Adelle Nazarian23 Mar 20160		23 Mar 2016		23 Mar 2016