
Independent Gary Johnson: ‘I am the compromise candidate’

Gary Johnson, the former New Mexico mayor who is mounting his own Libertarian party run in 2016 as an alternative choice, is holding fast to the belief that he and his running mate – former MA governor Bill Weld – will move into the White House in January.


Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson is set to appear on fall ballots in swing-state OH after the state’s elections chief cleared the way for him Wednesday. But without the turbo-boost of a debate appearance, it would be very hard for the Johnson and Weld ticket to get close to double-digit support nationally.

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson will appear on Ohio’s ballot in November.

ReasonA couple of weeks ago in this space I pushed back against assertions by FiveThirtyEight number-cruncher Harry Enten that Gary Johnson’s polls have been “trending downwards”, indicating that “voters may be moving away from third-party options”. The Green Party is labeled on the ballot and Jill Stein is the nominee for that Party. The survey had a margin of error of plus-minus 4 percentage points, but the error margin rises in regional comparisons because of smaller voter samples.

“We are the only candidate that supports TPP”, said Johnson when asked about his stance on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Not only did he win that election but went on to serve a second term as Governor of New Mexico. He said the Navy would be “a winner” in a Johnson administration.

“I think he has a candid honesty that isn’t present in the other major two candidates”, said Funkhouser, who said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter before Sanders bowed out.

“We’re the free-trade candidates here and we do support TPP”, Johnson said.

“I’m kind of ruling it out at the moment, because of just how complex I’ve been made aware that it is”, Johnson said.

“We should make it as easy as possible for somebody who wants to come to this country”, says Johnson. Richard Duncan, a perennial independent candidate for office from Portage County, also qualified for the presidential ballot.

Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson speaks during the “Politicon” convention in Pasadena, California, on June 25.

Johnson could find inroads with GOP women, 1 in 5 of whom were undecided in the recent poll, Czuba said. They include former national committee chairmen, former congressmen, and billionaire businessmen, all of them lifelong Democrats or Republicans.

What’s unclear is whether Johnson will muster enough support to get into the debates, which are scheduled to start in September.


Despite the low polling, however, both Stein’s and Johnson’s campaigns have seen an opportunity in this presidential election. So why not vote your conscience and send a message to the establishment parties how you really feel?

Libertarian Candidate Within Reach of National Debate Stage