
Independent Investigators: State Officials Mostly To Blame For Flint Water Crisis

“Water from that new source, the Flint River, was not adequately treated with corrosion controls and this caused lead from pipes to contaminate the water”.


Among the short-term goals in Gov. Snyder’s proposal include the establishment of three additional Child and Adolescent Health Centers as well as providing nutrition assistance and professional support for children under the age of six with high lead levels in their blood.

“There’s a special place in hell for actions like this”, said Rep. Earl Carter, R-GA, referring to the failure to alert Flint residents about lead problems. He blamed career bureaucrats in Washington and in his state but also repeatedly apologized for his role in the crisis, which occurred when the city, under state financial management, switched the water supply to the Flint River in 2014 to save money.

How about that?! Many people are still blaming the Flint water crisis on the fact that the water supply for Flint was changed a year or so ago (under Gov. Rick Snyder’s leadership) from Detroit’s water supply to a Flint water supply.

Meanwhile, Genesee County has sent a bill to the state for more than $1 million to reimburse the local government for its costs to deal with the water crisis.

The House committee’s Democratic staffers recently interviewed Gerald Ambrose, Flint’s final emergency manager before the city began regaining local control almost a year ago. The state must ensure that resources will be available for as long as Flint’s residents, who were betrayed by their government, need them.

The governor’s plan comes the week after his testimony about the crisis before Congress, where he faced intense questioning by lawmakers and was called on to resign for failing to act.

The governor has laid out a new action plan to help Flint recover from its water crisis. A total of 26 people, or 30 percent, had no known exposure to a Flint hospital in the two weeks prior to illness, nor were their homes on the Flint water system. He said he can balance his responsibility to Flint while continuing his frequently stated goal of “reinventing MI”. Lead is toxic and can damage the nervous system. We just dont know.”Days after the break-in, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder declared a state of emergency in Genesee County.

Owens, a member of MSU College Democrats, said he felt Snyder, as well as the EPA administrator, did not do enough to address the tough questions posed to them as well as how to further aid the citizens of Flint.

– Partnering with Flint to fix and renew its water-delivery system for proper quality and flow.


His opinion was echoed by Mayor Karen Weaver, who confirmed she also thought the timing and target of the robbery curious.

The state decided to temporarily switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River as a cost-saving measure until a new supply line to Lake Huron was ready. The river had a reputation for nastiness. After the April 2014 switch residents