
India blames China for stalled nuclear group entry

After NSG’s refusal to admit India, a senior U.S. official told an Indian news agency, PTI, that there was still a “path forward” for India to join the group.


Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan today said dialogue with China should continue to boost economic ties despite its strong opposition to India’s bid to clinch membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group.

Brazil supported India’s bid for NSG membership but called for common criteria for all non-NPT states (See: NSG talks stretch on as Brazil joins anti-India camp). Each country ruthlessly pursues its national interest and if other states get in the way, they find ways of winning them over, neutralising them or punishing them.

Wang emphasised that China considered the importance of accepting new memberships under a consensus. New Delhi is also seeking admission to the Wassenaar Arrangement on so-called dual-use technology (products used for both civilian and military purposes), and the Australia Group, which develops export rules to prevent the spread of biological and chemical weapons. India does not belong to that group.

“India which has shown so much keenness and desperation in getting NSG membership, it is not required at all”. In 2008, it helped New Delhi receive a special waiver from the NSG in the wake of their civil nuclear deal, under which India agreed to separate its civil and military nuclear facilities.

While the basis of India’s membership bid has been its clean non-proliferation record, USA officials revealed on Wednesday that Pakistan continues to proliferate nuclear materials and technology to North Korea. “But eight to nine countries opposed us including Switzerland”, he said, alleging that the Foreign Minister of this country has “no role” in deciding issues of foreign affairs.

India also has uranium buying agreement with multiple countries, including Kazakhstan, Canada and Australia, Srinivasan noted, adding it was an “unwarranted and ill-advised initiative” to seek entry into the group of nuclear-supplier countries set up in 1974.

Modi during his visit to Geneva earlier this month said, “India and Switzerland share a commitment to reform worldwide institutions in line with current global realities. But I know this that such people are sitting in government who are misguiding it every day”, Sinha said. For at SCO, China will always remain at the apex of decision-making.

“When we announced our INDC (intended nationally determined contribution under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change), we said that 40% of energy will be from non-fossil fuel. Membership of the NSG will help in bringing a predictable environment for big investment”, Swaraj added.


India now has a 5.7 gigawatts (GW) nuclear power generation capacity, which barely accounts for 2% of the total power capacity.

China rejects bending rule for India to join nuclear club