
India will turn Pakistan into a desert: Sirajul Haq

But Aziz added dialogue is the only solution to all outstanding issues between Pakistan and India.


Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed said that it was an important issue as India was trying to become a member of the Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG).

He said Chinese commitment to Pakistan’s infrastructural development, capacity building and emergency relief operations was unmatched and commendable. While India’s foreign policy was expanding, Pakistan’s seemed to be shrinking.

Mr Aziz said the country’s scientists and experts were monitoring and evaluating the strategic threats that Indian nuclear doctrine posed to national security.

Upset over India’s aggressive foreign policy moves, the senators on Tuesday asked the government to immediately rectify its “diplomatic failings”.

Islamabad: Pakistan has rejected India’s request for consular access to alleged spy Kulbushan Jadhav who was arrested for his involvement in “subversive activities”, Interior Minister Nisar Ali Khan said on Monday.

About the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) membership, the adviser said Pakistan had undertaken a proactive diplomatic offensive in all the member countries of the group. Even our immediate neighbours, like Afghanistan and Iran, have gone to India. The Indians are encircling us from all sides.

Both Pakistan and India which are non-signatories of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) have applied for membership to NSG which is due to convene its meeting from 9-10th June in Vienna, Austria.

Aziz reiterated that United States drone attack on May 21 which killed Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mansour damaged the efforts for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan.

He also said the US India collusion was a deep conspiracy to sabotage the China Pakistan Economic Corridor and to build Chabahar as major port in competition with Gwadar, but lamented Pakistan’s rulers’ indifference.

Replying to a question, the adviser said, Pakistan is not unaware of Indian efforts to integrate Kashmir and change its demography as “such efforts by India would not succeed”.

Pakistan is supporting the Kashmiri people “morally and diplomatically” and will raise the issue with the UN General Assembly, Human Rights Council and also with permanent members of UN Security Council, he said.


Senate Chairman Raza Rabbani suggested that if the members desired, the Senate could be converted into the committee of the whole house to prepare new “terms of engagements with the US”.

Pakistan Russia discuss NSG Plenary