
Indian activist ends 16-year fast over military powers

Sharmila started the hunger strike in November 2000 after the Malom massacre in a small village on the outskirts of Imphal, in which 10 people were reportedly killed by a government-controlled paramilitary force, the Assam Rifles.


But Ms Sharmila chose to end her record-breaking defiance on Tuesday, admitting it would not succeed in forcing India’s government to revoke the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act. “People also killed Jesus”, Sharmila told reporters when asked to comment on any pressure or threat on her over the decision.

Now she plans to run for office in Manipur and push for the repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act.

According to reports, Sharmila had earlier rejected the Aam Aadmi Party’s offer to contest the Lok Sabha elections under its banner from the inner Manipur Lok Sabha seat in 2014.

After ending the fast, Sharmila said she wants to become the chief minister of Manipur so that she could repeal the contentious AFSPA.

After emerging from court, Irom said her long campaign of fasting had not worked and she wanted to try a new way. For nearly 16 years, Sharmila hasn’t eaten because the law hasn’t been repealed.

Ronsing said in his order that since the offence under section 309 (attempt to commit suicide) is a bailable offence he is inclined to allow her bail on furnishing of the PR bond.

“I need power to remove this act”, Sharmila said at a news conference after the legal proceedings ended. “It is not so with other sports like football”, Sharmila had told her biographer Deepti Priya Mehrotra in the book “Burning Bright”.

The Supreme Court of India last month ordered for an investigation into the use of “excessive and retaliatory” force by police and the army in Manipur. One doctor said: “As she has been staying away from normal solid food for over 16 years, we have to take a step by step approach”. “I am the real embodiment of revolution”.


Ms Sharmila has signed a personal bail bond and is expected to be released from her judicial custody in a local hospital after bail procedures are complete. Although the charges were dropped, she was arrested another 13 times over the course her hunger strike on the same charge. But except for some reporters, there is nobody to meet her when she goes to the court every 15 days.

IMPHAL Irom Sharmila picks up a bottle of honey to break her fast on Tuesday. She ended a 16-year hunger strike licking honey from her hand and declaring “I will never forget this moment.” Sharmila had been force-fed through a tube in her nose and