
Indiana GOP governor candidate faces running mate deadline

Lt. Gov. Eric Holcomb, who is running for governor as the Republican nominee, announced Friday morning that State Auditor Suzanne Crouch is his running mate for the lieutenant governor position.


“I wanted someone who had an understanding of the whole state of IN, and a heart for the people who have made IN what we are today”, said Holcomb. She previously represented Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties as a state representative. “We will make IN the best state to live, work, play and stay”. At every level, and in every role, she has been a conservative leader and responsible steward of taxpayer dollars.

Two other Republicans have filed for state party consideration: Jeffrey Martin, of Whiteland, who appears to have no political experience; and Wayne “Gunny” Harmon, of Indianapolis, who lost a U.S. House primary in May. She won election to the office in 2014. This role is critical to Indiana’s economic climate and growth because the timely payment of bills is a major factor for the credit rating agencies in assessing our state’s credit. That is necessary to meet a 72-hour requirement before a Monday meeting of the Indiana Republican state committee to select the candidate.


Crouch was born in Evansville. She is married to a man named Larry Downs and together they have a grown daughter, Courtney.

Indiana GOP governor candidate picks auditor as running mate