
Indianapolis police fatally shoot 15-year-old Andre Green

The boy, Andre Green, appears to be the youngest person to be killed by police since 12-year-old Tamir Rice was killed last November.


The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department said it’s working to find the money to supply its 900 patrol officers with body cameras.

Stuffed animals and candles are arranged at a memorial for…

Police say officers shot the youngster when he quickened toward them in an auto that had been stolen at gunpoint.

This undated photo provided by the Marion Superior Court, Juvenile Division shows Andre Green.

During the press conference, Crowe described Green as a “troubled” young man who was wearing an electronic ankle bracelet from a previous arrest, though Crowe did not specify what the circumstances were.

Riddle said he did not believe any of the police cars that responded to the incident had dashboard cameras.

The three officers involved were placed on administrative leave, as is per routine in such cases, and the internal affairs unit will investigate the shooting.

Officers say that’s when several passengers took off running and police ordered the driver out of the vehicle.

Andre slammed into the driver’s’ side of one of the cruisers, “narrowly missing” an officer as he tried to escape, police said.

“(It’s important) so that there is video evidence of what has happened”, Harrison said.

Another relative urged the others who were in the auto to provide information about the shooting.

His family wants the other people inside the vehicle to come forward.

At least one witness to the shooting, Allon Eaton, 29, told the Indianapolis Star that he was standing on the corner during the scene and said the teen did not try to run down the police.

“We can say with confidence that officers were faced with aggression and they met that aggression head-on”, IMPD Officer Chris Wilburn said.


‘Because you saw. You saw something. “We will refrain from drawing any conclusions until the investigation is completed.” But more importantly, both African-American civic leaders are calling on the city’s administration to fund body cameras for all IMPD officers in the upcoming 2016 budget. You saw them shoot him, you saw them chase him, you saw something.

15 year-old boy shot and killed by Indianapolis police