
Indy Pride to hold Orlando shooting vigil

At a vigil for the victims of the Orlando mass shooting, the Mayor of Philadelphia looked profoundly sad while the City Council President appeared exasperated..


Indy Pride hosting a blood drive from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at its headquarters, 429 E. Vermont St.

“I’m still trying to grasp the enormity of it, but at the same time it’s really awesome how everybody is coming together, and it all happened in an instant”, says Eric Clough, a local carpenter.

We are in the midst of LGBT Pride month, a time for coming together in the streets of American cities, celebrating our diverse sexual identities and marking how far our country has come in ensuring all people, regardless of sexual orientation, can live a life of dignity.

What is right and what is wrong is hardly defined in the Malaysian society, and a lot of misconceptions regarding the LGBT community have influenced the way we view them. In Miami, a gay community center offered grief counseling through Monday afternoon, with a prayer gathering and a town hall-style meeting planned in the evening.

In San Francisco, home to one of the nation’s largest gay communities, police said more officers would be patrolling popular LGBT venues and local mosques in the weeks ahead.

Both Mr. Kenney and Mr. Clarke, who was joined by nearly every member of City Council, assured the LGBTQ community – which had attended the vigil by the hundreds – that they were not alone and were loved.

Under banners heralding the upcoming Pride Week event, people held hands and hugged. “All people have to stand up for each other”. The LGBT translates to “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender”.

At the Universal Orlando theme park, employees gathered in front of Hogwarts Castle Monday and raised wands in remembrance of Luis Vielma, who worked at the attraction and was killed Sunday.

“I think that’s on the mind of every guy who likes a guy or girl who likes a girl in America”, added Emerson Morrow, 19, of Las Cruces, N.M. This shows that hate will not win.We want to tell them that hate will not win.

Others spoke in private about how such violence has manifested itself in their own lives or in the lives of loved ones.

Just a week before the mass shooting at Pulse, OBP held its annual event that took place over six days that brings out Orlando’s Black LGBT residents, as well as those from other areas.


“You feel like you’re so powerless and at least this gives you something that you can put your arms – at least you’re here together and thinking about what happened”, a vigil attendee said.

Featured image for Luminaries Share Their Heart-felt Messages In The Wake of Orlando Shooting