
Injured owl hugs rescue worker in adorable photos

Wild at Heart Rescue shared photos of the president of the rescue, Douglas Pojeky, holding GiGi the wounded owl as the bird wrapped its wings around him appearing to give him a hug.


According to the rescue’s Facebook post, after some time off from the rescue to visit family, Pojecky stopped by to see how the owl was doing.

“It’s like they all know that he only wants to help them heal”, Timothy Dubuisson, of Wild at Heart Rescue, told The News. She was brought to Wild at Heart by Fish and Wildlife officers after being found in Seminary, Miss.

“There are truly no words to describe what happens here between Doug and these birds of prey”, the rescue wrote on Facebook. “When they are healed, they are instantly wild (and) they want to go”, Dubuisson said. When he returned, he was examining her when GiGi began to get excited.

“Did the owl hug me?”

I’ve never quite had the feeling that I had when that owl just nuzzled her neck against mine.

A Facebook post has gone viral after it shows an owl hugging a man who saved her.

Dubuisson said young birds can imprint on humans, but adult birds do not.

“Missy and I always say that when they look back it’s like they’re saying ‘Thank you, ‘ and 99 percent of the animals look back, ” Pojecky said.


Gigi the Owl’s the story has also made it to the United Kingdom and can be read here.

Amazing! Great horned owl gives heartwarming hug to man who saved her life