
Insanity Once More: The Hillary Clinton Economic Plan

They paid $3.6m in federal income tax, according to the document released on Friday, which was posted on her campaign website.


Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence lamented the “pay-to-play” politics of Hillary Clinton’s State Department on Sunday, pointing to newly released emails among State Department staffers and Clinton Foundation employees to back him up.

Clinton’s campaign also released a list of 41 speeches that she delivered in 2013, with speaking fees ranging from $225,000 to $400,000.

In 2015, the Clintons made $1 million in charitable contributions, mostly to the Clinton Foundation; former President Bill Clinton brought in almost $5.3 million in speaking fees; and the former secretary of state reported income of $3 million from publisher Simon & Schuster for her book on her tenure at the State Department.

Two weeks after Warren Buffett challenged Trump to release his tax returns, Hillary Clinton has released hers, while Trump has just released more Trumpisms. The author asserts that numerous embattled Clinton Foundation’s donations from foreign and domestic people occurred alongside favorable treatment from Clinton’s State Department. According to their newly released tax returns, the Clintons gave $1 million to their Family Foundation and the other $42,000 to Desert Classic Charities.

The tax reform and job stimulus plans of Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton have special significance here in New Hampshire but for different reasons. Their main investment was a low-priced index mutual fund, and the Clintons reported dividend and interest income of $109,000. They want to see his tax rate, charitable giving, and business dealings with foreign governments. The campaign did not respond to messages.

In contrast, Mr. Trump’s tax proposals would save the Clintons a lot of money on their taxes. Republicans have seized upon the millions in speaking fees and a tone-deaf comment by Clinton in a 2014 interview that she was “dead broke” after leaving the White House in 2001.

Hillary Clinton is banking on support from various minority groups and women to get out the vote. Bill earned $5.2 million from speeches.


The Clinton Foundation is not an actual charity. Several students enrolled in some of the schools have sued the company. However, other provisions in Clinton’s tax plan would raise their taxes significantly, especially the 5 percent surtax on AGIs over $5 million (for couples) and the 28-percent limitation on the value of itemized deductions (which total $2.2 million on the Clinton’s tax return). His office said he had “engaged with GEMS students and faculty around the world and assisted the Varkey GEMS Foundation in its efforts to increase access to education to underprivileged children”.

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