
INSTANT POLL: Trump’s speech was a hit with voters

In a contest that pits two politicians viewed as unfavourable by large segments of the American people, Trump will accuse Clinton of failures while serving as President Barack Obama’s first-term secretary of state and cite her use of a private email server and destruction of emails as evidence that “corruption has reached a level like never before”.


“All of the people telling you that you can’t have the country you want, are the same people telling you that I wouldn’t be standing here tonight”. “These last eight years have been hard, and …” America is better than Donald Trump. “Then we are going to deal with the issue of regulation, one of the greatest job-killers of them all”.

Clinton’s campaign criticized the speech as relentlessly negative and promised a “positive vision for the future” at next week’s Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

The only moment of total quiet was during the National Anthem.

Trump will be introduced by his daughter Ivanka Trump who has been an important behind-the-scenes adviser.

Some started the election as fervid Trump supporters, but most initially favored other candidates. During its February caucuses, Minnesota was the only state to opt for Marco Rubio in the primary process.

The chairman of the Hillary for America campaign, John Podesta, attacked Mr Trump’s speech as divisive.

Laying out his case against Clinton, he denounced nation-building policies that were actually put in place to some extent by George W. Bush, without mentioning by name the Republican president who launched wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. On Wednesday, Texas Senator and former rival Ted Cruz publicly refused to endorse Trump, a move some newspapers deemed a “civil war”.

In the St. Louis Park bar, the consensus was that Minnesota Republicans are warming as well.

Trump will also call for reduced taxes for Americans. “We haven’t much choice”.

“Let’s face it, we’re officially for Cruz but there were a lot of [Marco] Rubio and other Rubio people that were in that group”, Bishop said, noting he was initially a Rubio supporter. “This speech is a pleasant surprise”.

Trump’s acceptance speech focused heavily on supporting law enforcement, with references to the recent shooting of police officers and to the attacks in San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida.

Becky Herrmann of Rochester switched support from Rubio to Trump the week of the caucus, saying she thought Rubio was too easily swayed into mimicking Trump’s combative debate style.

“I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people who can no longer defend themselves. That’s what they’re looking for tonight and on the campaign trail”. Trump said, prompting some of the loudest applause of the night.

They’re descriptors that surfaced repeatedly, along with implied and explicit criticism of Clinton.

Mr. Trump sent a clear message to conservatives by picking Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his vice president.

Trump said he would add millions of new jobs and trillions in new wealth. “But the average American wanting to vote for Trump does not care, because they do not believe that they would gain anything from that system, and they are right”.

“In this race for the White House, I am the law and order candidate”, he said.

Irina LaPoint of Minnetonka took a break from studying for her certified public accounting exam to attend the Park Tavern event. A year ago, she’d announced his candidacy for president.

While his business acumen is a big draw for her, Trump’s appeal extends to the promise of meaningful change, LaPoint said.


“I am certain it is a decision he truly regrets”, Trump said.

Melania Trump waves as she arrives to speak at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on July 18