
Insults, not issues, rule the day at GOP debate

The 11th televised debate of the Republican party’s presidential hopefuls, broadcast on Fox News, made for many a cringeworthy moment, one of which involved Trump’s hands and manhood.


He admitted he changed his stance on issues but said flexibility was a strength.

It may have been the most friendly moment of the two-hour debate.

Mr Rubio derided Mr Trump as untrustworthy and uncivil, while Mr Cruz bashed him for donating money to Mrs Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign and to other Democrats.

“It was very nasty”, Trump said referring to Mr. Romney’s speech. The loss, Trump charged, was “an embarrassment”.

The race has become increasingly heated and vulgar, including Florida Sen. “I guarantee you there’s no problem”, he added triumphantly. We need highly skilled people in this country. “He failed miserably and it was an embarrassment to everybody”, Trump said.

Democratic heavyweight and former first lady Hillary Clinton also won seven states on Super Tuesday and now has a clear lead over left-winger Bernie Sanders.

The bad blood among the candidates flowed freely.

The former GOP nominee predicted that his speech would be followed by Trump’s anger and personal attacks.

It was a jaw-dropping moment in a campaign that’s been full of surprises from the beginning.

“If the Washington deal-makers try to steal the nomination from the people, I think it would be a disaster. But I’ve never seen a successful person who wasn’t flexible, who didn’t have a certain degree of flexibility”.

Going into today’s voting, Trump led the field with 329 delegates, Cruz had 231, Rubio 110 and Kasich 25.

Bash then pivoted to the fact that Trump decided, last minute, to drop out of a scheduled CPAC appearance. I believe they do.

In one moment of levity, Texas Sen.

“He should do well in ME, because it’s very close to Canada”, he joked of Cruz.

“I’d probably again encourage whoever is doing best in a particular state to get the support there”, he said of the other remaining candidates, “and do that state by state”.

It was anger that propelled many of Trump’s voters to the polls.

She’s come out for a Trump rally in Wichita on Saturday morning before heading to the party’s caucuses to give her support for the front-runner.

“You are stepping up your rhetoric big time against Donald Trump”, Bash continued.

Trump does not yet have enough delegates to secure the nomination.

Cruz and Rubio took the verbal fight to Trump.


It is increasingly unclear what party leaders can do to stop Trump, who has a commanding lead both in national polls and in the count of delegates needed to win the nomination.

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally held at the University of Central Florida in Orlando Florida