
Interested In The Race For President? Call Donald Trump Right Now

Donald Trump told Bloomberg Television that the current low rates could fuel a bubble.


Mirror Online attempted to contact Mr Trump on the number published by Gawker, but he did not answer and his voicemail mailbox is full. In conversations with 10 voters, most said Trump wasn’t their favorite candidate in the race, but it wasn’t because of his faith.

Thursday’s Republican debate marks the first contest of the 2016 presidential campaign season – and the field is certainly crowded. During the call, the Trump sources said, Clinton “encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party” and “analyzed Trump’s prospects and his desire to rouse the G.O.P. base”. (It’s the second one, we think, what do YOU think?).

“Bill, they are making a fortune, Mexico is making a fortune off the United States, it’s becoming the new China in terms of trade – they’re killing us at the border”, Trump said after O’Reilly asked him the question twice. He might give a more colorful version of the party line, as he has on other issues, or he might say something really interesting.

I definitely understand why Trump is popular.

At the moment, Trump is engaging in regular, vicious political warfare with Hillary Clinton, whom he used to strongly support.

Adding to this is the fact that for seemingly every Jeb Bush who takes Trump to task there appears to be more candidates who seem willing to just remain silent – or even agree – with what Trump is saying about immigrants.

While Trump’s no-holds-barred approach may be refreshing to some voters who are exhausted of politicians parsing and obfuscating, his ideas are unworkably delusional at best, xenophobic at worst.

But for the Clinton team, which has made wooing Latino votes a centerpiece of their campaign, that benefit may be outweighed by his potential strengths with that crucial group of voters. “I’m not going to agree with everything that a candidate says”.

Aside from throwing out those raping, murdering immigrants, this is arguably the central theme of Trump’s campaign – that regular politicians are bought-out liars who do whatever their donors tell them at the expense of the rest of the public. Trump declined to participate and wasn’t mentioned during the two-hour affair. In other words, they are not our friends.


Those with knowledge of the call in both camps said it was one of many that Clinton and Trump have had over the years. “He won’t fix anything, but I think he’ll talk to you“.

WJ images Trump taxes