
International Day against Child Labour being observed today

“The employment and unemployment survey conducted by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics in 2010-2011, estimated 3500 children between six and 17 years were reported to have left school”.


“The issue of children dropping out of school and then into child labour still remains a concern, and should receive greater attention following Tropical Cyclone Winston”, the report said.

To create awareness of the plight of child labourers among the masses, the World Day Against Child Labour is being observed around the world today (Sunday).

With 168 million children still in child labour, all supply chains, from agriculture to manufacturing, services to construction, run the risk that child labour may be present. The ILO said policy responses were needed to provide access to education and training for out-of-school children, to ensure that young workers were protected at work and had an avenue to decent work through skills training, apprenticeships and vocational training, and to prevent children from dropping out of school.

A Pakistani labourer works at a garage in Karachi on May 31, 2016.

According to the National Child Protection Authority, there are approximately 100,000 children engaged in child labour in Sri Lanka. The Government of Pakistan has ratified ILO core Conventions related to child labour including Minimum Age Convention 1973, Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention 1999. “Acting together, it is within our means to make the future of work a future without child labour”.

“Child labour has nearly been curbed from brick kilns in the province”, the CM said in his statement.

The provincial government should made adequate allocations in the budget for a survey to ascertain the number of child labourers in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.


Minister of Labour and Social Security Shahine Robinson has called on Jamaican businesses to become more proactive in verifying their supply-chain operations – whether local, regional or worldwide – in order to ensure they are free of any influence of or contact with incidence of child labour.

A child repairs a battery at his workplace at Shoba Bazaar Peshawar on the eve of World Day Against Child Labour