
Investigation continues into Greene County Ferris Wheel accident

The 6-year-old girl suffered a traumatic brain injury and the 10-year-old is in stable condition with forearm injuries, according to the Johnson City Medical Center and Niswonger Children’s Hospital.


Gregory Lynthacum, of Washington County, Tennessee told WJHL he saw three young girls fall from the ride when their auto appeared to get caught as the wheel lifted them upward, spilling them out. “Other than the Ferris wheel that was involved with the accident, and I’ve done a detailed inspection of each and every ride … nothing serious [was] wrong with any of the rides”, the inspector said.

Investigations into this accident and the water slide accident in Kansas are ongoing, and the autopsy in the water slide case showed ten-year-old Caleb Schwab died from a neck injury.

According to the Greeneville News (, Family Attractions Amusement was fined in 2013 for violating safety laws in North Carolina after a Vortex ride suddenly lurched into motion as riders were disembarking, injuring four riders and a ride operator.

One witness, Gregory Lynthacum, told WJHL and the Greensville Sun that the ferris wheel was rotating upward when the basket in which the girls were riding in “got caught”.

All mechanical rides remain closed until the investigation is complete, but the rest of the Greene County Fair is open on a regular schedule.

Obtain third Party Inspector from website who will determine if the accident was due to malfunction/defective equipment, etc. and submit post accident report to the state.

A representative of Family Attractions Amusement said her company provided the rides for the fair. The other was transported by ambulance, authorities said.

Police estimate the children fell 35 to 45 feet.

A Ferris wheel accident in East Tennessee is bringing fear to families across the state.

The Greene County incident was the eighth injury incident reported to Tennessee authorities on amusement rides this summer. The oldest was a 16-year-old girl. “We are deeply shocked and saddened”.


The Ferris wheel is owned by Family Attractions, based in Valdosta, Davis said.

girls fall 12 metres from Ferris wheel