
IOC Statement on Zika Virus

And the IOC’s medical commission says, “We remain confident that there will be a safe environment for successful and enjoyable Olympic Games in Rio de Janiero”. When they return to the Northern Hemisphere and its summer heat, far more mosquitoes will be around to potentially transmit the virus in the US. Chan said although there was no definitive proof that Zika was responsible for a spike in the number of babies being born with abnormally small heads in Brazil, “the level of alarm is extremely high”.


Bach said the timing of the games, during Brazil’s winter, could limit difficulties caused by the virus outbreak, and he promised to have consultations with national Olympic Committees on safety guidelines by late Friday.

“Rio 2016 will also continue to follow the virus prevention and control measures provided by the authorities, and will provide the relevant guidance to Games athletes and visitors”.

Brazilian researchers believe the strain of Zika may have entered Brazil with visitors arriving for the 2014 World Cup.

The World Health Organization said Thursday the virus — which has been linked to birth defects and neurological problems — is “spreading explosively”. He said: “It is, as you know, six months before the Olympic Games and it is the most hard time to prepare for games”.

BRITISH sports stars heading to the Olympics are set to be given advice this week aimed at protecting them from Zika, the mosquito-borne virus spreading rapidly across South and North America.

Games organisers said in a statement that the Olympics, which take place from August 5-21, are during the winter months when the cooler climate significantly reduces the presence of mosquitoes.

HollywoodLifers, are you concerned about the spread of the Zika virus? One example is removing standing water where mosquitoes breed from Olympic venues.

“People have called to ask, ‘If this explodes, how would I cancel my trip?'” said Anbritt Stengele, president of Sports Traveler, a travel company in Chicago that specialises in packages for major sporting events.

Beyond the risk to infants, hundreds of people around the country have been stricken by Guillain-Barré, a syndrome that Brazilian officials warn may be connected to Zika and can leave patients paralysed for weeks.


“We’re not even thinking of that”, he said.

Andy and Jamie Murray could be exposed to mosquitos carrying the Zika virus in Rio