
IOS 10 Feature Can Help Users Find Their Parked Cars

Developer Andrew Wiik has found that Apple appears to have included a Dark Mode for iOS in the first iOS 10 beta release.


According to those that have installed the developer version of iOS 10, the next version of Apple Maps, included with the update, will remember where you parked your auto.

Apparently what happens is that this feature doesn’t actually remove the app from your device. However, Apple senior vice president of software engineering Craig Federighi clarified on the Daring Fireball podcast that you’ll be able to hide the apps, but not delete them.

According to screenshots shared by MacRumors, iOS 10 will optimize storage on your iPhone by removing music that have not been played for a long time. But the new feature in iOS 10 could be more helpful because it will be integrated directly into Apple Maps. iOS 10 is set to debut this fall. Apple notes that the “Game Center app has been removed” but its services will still be available to users.

Apple’s App Transport Security feature is now an opt-in feature, meaning users are the ones who decide when to use the feature. He shared screenshots of the feature running in Xcode, showing Apple’s Messages app with a black background. This means users will be able to check leaderboards and manage friend requests, they just won’t be able to do it from a central app.

Apple dealt with this problem in iOS 10 with “Raise to wake”.

In the meantime, do not try to download the developer version of the operating system from Apple if you are not specialized in the field, as it is unrecommended if you are not a developer.


Specifically, 23 different built-in applications in iOS 10 beta are now removable from the home screen.

All you need to know about iOS 10