
Iowa poll: Cruz leads Trump

Just hours before the poll was unveiled tonight, Trump was again reminding supporters of the CNN poll, saying: ‘New CNN Iowa poll – Trump 33, Cruz 20. Ted Cruz in October at the third Republican presidential debate.


Mr Trump, who has a solid lead in national polls among Republicans, quickly tweeted about another survey.

Trump also directly responded to the source of the new tension between the two candidates: a report Thursday that Cruz had raised questions about Trump’s “judgment” at a fundraiser.

The numbers were released Saturday by The Des Moines Register and Bloomberg Politics. Marco Rubio of Florida, with 10 percent, was the only other candidate in the double digits.

Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson had led in most other polls taken in recent months.

Real-estate mogul Donald Trump has reached his highest level of support yet in NBC News/Wall Street Journal polling centered on the Republican U.S. presidential race, while Sen.

The Republican presidential primary is the gift that keeps on giving to Democrats.

Trump touted his ability to get along with liberals and conservatives and said that was the hallmark of the “world-class businessman” he is. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, during a rally opposing the Iran nuclear deal outside the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015.

In the Fox poll, 10 percent of likely caucus goers said they would never vote for Christie, the same as Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

CNN’s Jake Tapper interviewed Trump at the Iowa State Fairgrounds for today’s “State of the Union” show. In an interview with EWTN News last week, Cruz said he is convinced that 2016 is going to be a religious liberty election, and that he will push for legislation to protect people’s rights against any possible discrimination or persecution from the federal government. The Fox poll put him at 2 percent.


Conducted between December 7 and 10, the poll comes after Mr Trump called for a “complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”, prompting severe criticism from politicians and public figures around the world. A poll released earlier this week showed Cruz leading Trump by 5 percentage points.

Cruz tops Trump in shakeup of Iowa polls