
Iowa poll: Ted Cruz has slim lead over Donald Trump

For one of the last time before those caucuses, the Republican candidates for president will debate each other.


“Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is not a natural-born citizen and therefore is not eligible to be president or vice president of the United States”, Mary McManamon, a constitutional law professor at Widener University’s Delaware Law School, writes in her piece for The Washington Post.

While it may be counterintuitive to think of Trump as an “establishment candidate”, the adviser pointed out that Trump’s strength in polls is with moderate voters. They’re not directly accounting for Cruz’s apparently superior Iowa ground game or the fact that he has a lot of support among evangelical voters.

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Mark J. Terrill/AP Marco Rubio could see increased attacks from fellow GOP candidates angling to be the party’s “establishment” candidate. The debates-as much as the polls that determine who gets the best seats on stage-have been touchstones for the campaign and many national donors have taken the measure of the race by the televised food fights.

“In addition, “because there will still be seven candidates on stage, it still may be the case that the only way to be heard to be the loudest” on the stage”, he said.

In a further jibe, Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt that he-unlike Trump-doesn’t get his information on national security from “the Sunday shows”. With less than three weeks to go until then, more than half of the respondents in the Register poll said that they could still be persuaded to back a different candidate (though those backing either Trump or Cruz are the most likely to say their mind has been made up).

A political advocacy group formed by the industry in Iowa, America’s Renewable Future, followed Cruz around the state in an RV last week and industry representatives posed questions to him at campaign events. They can’t both emerge as the nominee, and with less than three weeks before the Iowa caucuses, they’ve each become more belligerent over the issue of whether Cruz’s Canadian birth makes him ineligible to be president.

Donald Trump hinted Wednesday that his intensifying feud with rival Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz may spill over Thursday into the next Republican debate. The two could finally engage in a confrontation at Thursday’s debate. Allies of Bush have also seized on Rubio’s inconsistency on immigration in a bid to rile up resentment among conservatives who were rankled by the senator’s efforts to pass a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Bush has said he plans to exceed expectations, while Kasich has said he wants to be the “story” coming out of New Hampshire. “Rubio is going to need to rise above it, and also chip away at Sen”.

On the legal front, Cruz survived a ballot challenge in New Hampshire when a state ballot commission ruled it has no authority to pass judgment on the issue.

The poll was conducted among 500 likely Republican caucus-goers between January 7 and January 10. A majority of every other candidate’s supporters said they were willing to shift their support.

It may be that Cruz was referring to a CNN/ORC poll taken December 17-21, 2015 of 927 registered voters nationwide suggesting Clinton ahead of Trump by 49 percent to 47 percent, a lead within the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

The feud between Donald Trump and Sen.


Another wild card: former Iowa Caucus winners Mike Huckabee in 2008 and Rick Santorum in 2012 have criss-crossed the state, built their own organization, and have been taking shots at Cruz along the way.

In New Hampshire, Cruz Uncorks on Trump