
Iowa State Fair Opens, Here Come The Candidates

On Thursday, three candidates, including former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, pitched their messages to fair-goers at the Des Moines Register Soapbox, a stage surrounded by haystacks.


Huckabee reiterated his support for ending abortion. “Let’s start acting as a civilized people rather than barbarians”.

The fair only amplifies the Iowa experience. Clinton spoke at Harkin’s final steak fry previous year. “I will be a president that will get it done”. The Fair Tax is a tax on consumption rather than income. “They’re discerning voters”, Bush said. “But I don’t think they need to run this year”. Each of the four tours: Foodie, Animals, Free Entertainment and Fair Nooks and Crannies include six one-minute stops highlighting some of the fair’s best attractions.

JIM YOUNG/REUTERS Hillary Clinton has a supporter in former Iowa Sen. Taking questions about foreign policy from hecklers.

“I like mine”, he said.

Speaking second, Sanders got big cheers as he tackled some of the progressive movement’s top priorities, arguing for creating a single-payer healthcare system, blocking the Keystone XL pipeline, and reversing the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United.

In a September 4, 2009 email, Patrick Kennedy, the under secretary for management at State, wrote to Mills that, “As you know [redacted] has been working through the ways to a identify a slot in S/WCI for [redacted]”.

As Iowans and as a nation we fought back from a awful recession, but we are making progress.

Consider the case of Mitt Romney, who during the last campaign said atop The Des Moines Register’s soapbox: “Corporations are people, my friend”.

“It’s the American trifecta”, he said.

O’Malley said the crime rate in Baltimore dropped when he was mayor and when he was Maryland’s governor the state raised its minimum wage and made same-sex marriage legal.

DES MOINES | There’s just something about state fair food, and leaders of Iowa’s various commodity organizations understand they can use that something to promote their products. “She comforted us”, Brighton said. It’s not an issue the former Baltimore mayor highlights often on the campaign trail.

Martin O’Malley is laying out 15 goals he would pursue if elected president and is presenting himself as a new generation of Democrat in the presidential race.


Hillary Clinton woke up to the chatter about yet another possible challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, which is looking less like a lock for her each day.

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