
IPhone 6C rumored for Q2 2016

The rumour mill just can’t make up its mind about whether Apple is building an iPhone 6C.


According to chatter from the semiconductor industry, Apple is looking to equip the iPhone 5c successor with FinFET chips, Digitimes says.

This news comes less than a week after a separate source – analyst Timothy Arcuri – suggested all traces of a 4-inch iPhone have disappeared from Apple’s supply chain.

What’s more, the phone is expected to use chips built using a 14/16nm FinFET manufacturing process, as opposed to the older 20nm process. These are the same FinFET chips that are going to be adopted in Apple’s upcoming iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. But given the reputation of this website, you should be taking this information with a grain of salt. Releasing an iPhone in the second quarter of the year wouldn’t exactly be unheard of for Apple – the original iPhone, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 4 all launched in June – but it would definitely go against the early fall annual launch dates the company has been following for about four years now.

As for this year’s new iPhone products, we have more details related to their internal specifications. Both handsets are expected to be released during the month of September and will provide a nice bit of competition for Samsung’s Galaxy S6 Edge Plus and Galaxy Note 5.


Other than that, we expect the phones to take advantage of an A9 processor, 2GB of RAM, 12MP camera, and the Force Touch technology (like in the Apple Watch) embedded into the display.
