
Iran Gives UN Agency Documents Linked to Past Nuclear Work

Iran today provided the IAEA with its explanation in writing and related documents as agreed in the road map for the clarification of past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran’s nuclear program”, the worldwide Atomic Energy Agency said Saturday, confirming Iran had met a deadline.


Iran has submitted documents linked to its past nuclear activity, the U.N.’s atomic watchdog has confirmed, a key condition of a probe into suspected efforts to create nuclear arms.

As this graphic released by the White House shows, it’s going to be tough for Iran to secretly create a weapon.

March To Save America, a bi-partisan group of advocates to keep America strong, is announcing a co-sponsored, joint demonstration in opposition to the Iran nuclear deal on September 9, 2015, 2:00 pm at the Washington D.C. Capitol building, west side, with the expressed objective of convincing congress to reject the treaty with a veto proof majority.

The United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany reached the agreement with Iran on July 14 that would curtail its nuclear program in exchange for billions of dollars in relief from economic sanctions.

The investigation has been deadlocked for years, with Tehran asserting that the allegations about the possible militarization of its past nuclear activities are based on false intelligence from the U.S., Israel and other adversaries.

“We’re betting the farm that we can block and have knowledge of one critical path”, the fuel cycle, he said, noting that Iran is allowed to pursue ballistic missiles under the deal. The agency said measures called for in the agreement corresponded to standard nuclear safeguard procedures.

The nuclear deal clearly does not exclude the possibility of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon at such a later date. “Now the Iranians claim that all IAEA inspectors have to be vetted by Iranian intelligence?” Nearly every U.S. spy agency concluded with some level of certainty that Saddam Hussein possessed active chemical and biological weapons programs.


But that is exactly what is happening with regard to Iran and its nuclear weapons programme. The Iran analysis has withstood such probing, officials say.

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi