
Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani says nuclear deal achieves goals

President Hassan Rouhani affirmed his confidence in Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers on Sunday, tackling the criticisms of hardliners and highlighting the achievements of his two-year-old presidency.


Abu dhabi Iran’s parliament has no specialist over the nuclear accord agreed by having whole world power january, the Islamic Republic’s top nuclear negotiator was in fact number as saying on Saturday.

In the summer of 1988, one month after Ruhollah Khomeini was forced to accept a cease-fire in his eight-year war with Iraq, the fundamentalist ruler of the mullahs’ regime ordered a mass execution of all political prisoners affiliated with the main opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, PMOI (Mujahedin-e Khalq, MEK).

“It is absolutely not the case that the government must bring before parliament any agreement it wants to sign with a foreign country”, Salehi was quoted as saying by state news agency IRNA.

“After carefully reviewing the details of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, listening to my constituents including leaders in the Jewish community, and consulting with a wide variety of military and civilian experts, I have determined that the best course of action to prevent a nuclear Iran is by supporting and implementing the agreement“, Moulton said, in a statement.

“Some parts of our system wanted to shut down the social networks, but I am and have been against this”, Rouhani said.

Under the agreement, Iran will curb some but not all aspects of its nuclear programme in exchange for a lifting of global sanctions that have pulverised its economy in recent years.


Rouhani said that the mechanisms of nuclear deal have been devised to make sure Iran will not be the loser in the deal, he stated.

Rouhani says nuclear deal a'third way for Iranian foreign policy