
Iran’s president says nuclear deal with world powers achieves nation’s goals

Claims being made by the Obama administration about the success of the West’s nuclear deal with Iran are untrue and being made simply to placate Americans, Iranian officials say.


“Under the recent UN resolution, Iran has ceased to be known as a global threat; now we are known as a country that is after research and development and can have constructive interactions with other countries“, said Rouhani.

The Republican presidential candidates are all slamming President Barack Obama on the worldwide Iran agreement.

Almost two years after that the Iranian nuclear negotiators left the negotiation table with a deal which will bring great benefit to Iran.

He said Iran has never sought weapons of mass destruction.

“When Saddam Hussain used chemical weapons against us during the war in the 1980s, we did not retaliate in the same way”, he asserted. “We are very sensitive about our national security”, he emphasized.

“The Iranian government is standing strong on the path of (implementing) the agreement and we will remain committed to our undertakings as long as the other side remains loyal to its obligations, The Washington Free Beacon quoted the Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei”.

Answering another question about concerns that potential increased trade activity as a result of the removal of the sanctions against Iran would result in imports of foreign goods to the country, President Rouhani said such concerns are valid.

Iran should work hard toward employment for the youth, the Iranian president said. The Iranian president said he has directed his economic men about the issue.

Rouhani said that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action will enable Iran to reduce inflation to single digits by the end of his first term in 2017, from a high of more than 40 percent when he was elected in June 2013.


He said the “sapling” that has been planted will take some time to bear fruits, emphasizing, however, that his administration will try to have such impacts come sooner.

A composite image showing the aftermath of terror attacks in Kuwait and Bahrain