
Iran Urges China, Philippines to Show Restraint on Territorial Disputes

Instead, the nations adopted a statement expressing concern about developments in the waters that made no mention of a landmark July 12 worldwide arbitration panel ruling in a dispute between the Philippines and China that said Beijing’s claims in the South China Sea were illegal.


The communique referred instead to the need to find peaceful resolutions to disputes in the South China Sea in accordance with global law, including the United Nations’ law of the sea, to which the court ruling referred.

“Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan has mentioned that the Philippines’ arbitration proceedings against China on territorial issues in the South China Sea was a national decision undertaken by the Philippines without consultation with the rest of Asean (“‘S’pore takes no position on S. China Sea disputes'”; July 12).

It is the first time key players – including USA secretary of state John Kerry and Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi – have met en masse since a UN-backed tribunal a fortnight ago rejected Beijing’s claims.

The United States, allied with the Philippines and cultivating closer relations with Vietnam, has called on China to respect the court’s ruling.

The 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) avoided mention of a ruling by a UN-backed tribunal in early July that rejected China’s territorial claims and infuriated Beijing.

With ASEAN operating on a consensus principle that effectively gives each country a veto power when forming a stand on various issues, regional experts are skeptical of a joint communique that would put strong language on maritime disputes.

“Our military leaders communicate more frequently and more directly than ever before in the past”, Rice said in a meeting with a vice chairman of China’s powerful Central Military Commission, Fan Changlong.

China has been accused of forging an alliance with smaller nations like Laos and Cambodia by promising economic aid.

Three other members of the bloc – Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei – also have competing claims with Beijing over parts of the South China Sea. That included inhabiting any presently uninhabited islands or reefs, it added.

“Outside intervention is one of the root causes for turbulence in many regions of the world”, he told his counterparts from 10 ASEAN members amid the 49th ASEAN foreign ministers’ meeting in the Lao capital.

Kerry pressed the issue during other bilateral meetings with ASEAN members, Toner said.

“It seems like certain countries from outside the region have got all worked up, keeping the fever high”, Wang told reporters.

Wang warned again against “interference from outside countries” and efforts to “divide relations between China and Asean”, a veiled reference to the United States and Japan.

Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner said Kerry confirmed the United States remains committed to continued assistance and cooperation to remove unexploded ordnance (UXO) and expressed appreciation for Lao support over many years to account for our missing personnel.

Hence, Asean should not intervene on the ruling of the Arbitral Tribunal at The Hague.

It has criticised China’s building of artificial islands and facilities in the sea and has sailed warships close to the disputed territory to assert freedom of navigation rights. “Meanwhile, both sides face challenging differences that need to be carefully handled”, said Mr. Yang, who outranks the foreign minister.

Kerry arrived in Laos on Monday for the ASEAN regional forum and East Asia summits.


Mr. Kerry will urge Asean nations to explore diplomatic ways to ease tension over Asia’s biggest potential military flashpoint, a senior USA official said ahead of his trip.

South China Sea: Asean deadlock after court ruling against China