
Iranian official accuses big powers of changing their stance

Seemingly, a deal is better for both of them. “But, we have not seen mutual commitment by the US“. “And if that is taken things could quickly” progress, the person said.


Moscow and Tehran are now finalising the contract for the delivery of Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, which is strictly opposed by Israel and the US.

At the present moment, the geostrategic repercussions of a comprehensive deal struck between Iran and the P5+1 is the focus of a torrent of speculation by academics, pundits, and risk analysts, not to mention government officials of the great powers and throughout the region.

Diplomats alternated between insisting that a deal is within reach and threatening that they are nearly ready to walk out.

A file photograph showing an general view of the nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran, on 20 August 2010.

Obama’s administration has been floored by Iran’s refusal in the last minute to give ground on revealing previous military dimensions of the program and their demand to have the caps on missiles lifted, CNN wrote. As it appears, this is far more hard to achieve considering the likeliness that foreign companies will still be reluctant to reenter the Iranian market under the threat of the remaining secondary sanctions.

By missing that target, the US and Iran now have to wait for a 60-day congressional review period during which President Barack Obama can’t waive sanctions on Iran.

Germany’s domestic intelligence agency-the equivalent of the FBI-in late June issued a detailed report on Iran’s wide-ranging activities to obtain illicit technology for its nuclear and missiles program.

Iran has been consistently supporting the struggle against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group and eliminating this threat, Lavrov said.

Salehi told reporters, “Hopefully today is the last day”.

A Kerry aide had gone in to tell them that they could be heard clearly. “If the tough decisions don’t get made, we are absolutely prepared to call an end to this”.

Third, the deal might provide for greater inspections, but these will not be robust enough to detect or deter Iranian cheating.

The official also said that Iran was looking forward to seeing whether the United States would “abandon its obsession with sanctions”.

“We proceed from the fact that instruments such as sanctions should be completely removed from the worldwide economic lexicon and communication”, Putin said. The United States by definition would have minimal credibility after having spent years declaring a nuclear Iran was unacceptable.

“In my opinion, it will be found soon”, he said after hosting a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation that saw him meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani Thursday.

Western powers have long suspected Iran of aiming to build nuclear bombs and using its civilian atomic energy programme to cloak its intention – an accusation Iran strongly denies.


The statement came after Fabius had conversations with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond.

Iran nuclear deal close impasse over weapons missiles persists