
Iranian TV Shows Images of Capture of US Sailors

The deal gives Iran significant relief from painful economic sanctions.


Iran detained the sailors who were aboard two United States navy boats in the Gulf in an incident that rattled nerves days ahead of the expected implementation of a landmark nuclear accord.

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the video was being assessed and the initial conclusion was that the sailors were treated well.

“The first concern was recovering the sailors, the second is ensuring they get the best care they can get and successfully reintegrate into the force, and third is understanding the circumstances of the incident”, Stephens said.

In a short clip, an American sailor is heard saying that it was “our fault” and apologizing to Fars, the semi-official news agency for Iran.

Reuters reports Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) freed the men after determining that the sailors had entered the waters by accident.

“I think we can all imagine how a similar situation might have played out three or four years ago”, Kerry said.

The sailors were being flown to a US military facility in Qatar, where they were to be debriefed and given medical exams. They looked mostly bored or annoyed, although one appeared to be smiling.

A woman can be seen in the far right corner sporting a veil on her head as the 10 sailors were detained in an unknown room.

The official said the plan was to meet the sailors in global waters after dawn, but did not say whether the two boats would be returned with the service members. “When you have a problem with the boat, you apologise the boat had a problem?” No, and there was no looking for any apology. “This was standard and nautical practice”.

U.S. naval officials were on Wednesday investigating navigational error as the possible cause of an worldwide incident that saw Iran briefly detain 10 sailors after they strayed into Iranian waters.

Both the United States and Iran blamed the potential global crisis on “mechanical trouble”.

The sailors were on a training mission around noon ET when their boat experienced mechanical failure and drifted into Iranian-claimed waters and were detained by the Iranian Coast Guard, officials added.

Iran released footage Wednesday showing an American sailor apologizing for unintentionally crossing into Iranian waters along with nine others.

“John Kerry and Javad Zarif are on a first name basis”.

During a speech at the National Defense University Kerry thanked the Iranian authorities for their cooperation and quick response.

Fadavi said the Guards’ investigation showed a broken navigation system had led the sailors into Iranian waters.

“Around the world, the U.S. Navy routinely provides assistance to foreign sailors in distress, and we appreciate the timely way in which this situation was resolved”, Carter said.

According to the Navy’s statement, the sailors departed Farsi Island, where they were held, at 8:43 GMT (3:43 a.m. Eastern time).

“It was determined that the detained American Marines did not enter Iranian waters intentionally”, state television quoted a Guards statement as saying.

The 10 American sailors captured in Iran are being questioned, Iranian state media said Wednesday.

The Guard’s naval forces are heavily dependent on fast-moving armed speedboats that can be used in teams to swarm much larger vessels.


The president did not mention the incident in his address, though he praised his administration’s work on the Iran nuclear deal.

American Navy boats in custody of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the Persian Gulf