
Iranian, US foreign minister focus on clinching nuclear deal

Iran’s foreign minister says an imminent report by the United Nations nuclear agency later Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016, will bring a “good day” for Iran because it will lead to lifting sanctions.


It says the Iranian people hope that the “bitterness of filling the Arak reactor with cement will be accompanied with the sweetness of filling their table”, referring to the lifting of crippling worldwide sanctions.

Another report confirmed that Iran had stopped dismantling its centrifuges at the Natanz and Fordow uranium enrichment plants, a violation of the nuclear deal.

Vienna is home to the International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog in charge of monitoring Iran’s implementation of the measures required in the deal Iran reached with the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany last July. They are set to meet with officials from Iranian state oil companies on Sunday.

Iran has tested missiles since the nuclear agreement, drawing threats from Washington to tighten those sanctions.

A positive report from the IAEA would herald the arrival of “Implementation Day”, when both the European Union and the United States will lift some economic sanctions that have been imposed on the Islamic Republic. And not much will change for everyday Americans, according Nephew.

“Yesterday we finished the central part and the openings have been filled with cement”, Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization spokesman, Behrouz Kamalvandi said, as quoted by AFP. “Today is also a good day for the world”.

But the IAEA inspectors first must verify Iran is living up to its commitments. But then, maybe he believes that act of war was a sign of how friendly the Iranians are.

“The monitoring and verification regime is a multilayered approach that covers every element of Iran’s nuclear fuel cycle”. Iran has always maintained its programme is peaceful. “The Implementation of JCPOA marks an historic moment in Iran’s re-engagement with global markets and is also an important step towards recovering diplomatic ties”. “And that’s an unprecedented inspections measure”.

Thanks to the Iran nuclear deal, a sustained diplomatic channel now exists to de-escalate.

The big question is whether the agreement will strengthen Iran’s hand in the Middle East, especially against its military and economic rival Saudi Arabia.

The Republican-controlled House this week passed a bill meant to block the administration’s plan to roll back sanctions.

“We are concerned that Iran’s belligerent actions have thus far gone unpunished”.

Because the Iran deal has become so politically contentious, industry is closely watching the presidential race to gauge the risk of investing in Iran. “When sanctions end, I will explain to people how great of an accomplishment this is”.


Some analysts see this as too optimistic, with most saying that a target of 500,000 million barrels, at least initially, would be more realistic for the OPEC producer.

Iran fills nuclear reactor core with concrete, US says