
Irish Prime Minister Says Irish Unity a Possibility With Brexit

Northern Ireland Prime Minister, Enda Kenny, has said that Brexit talks should take into account the possibility of a future referendum on Irish reunification, according to reports on Monday 18 June.


“Mr. Kenny compared the situation to East Germany when the Berlin wall came down and it was absorbed into the west without having to go through a torturous process applying for membership of the European Union”, RTE noted.

Recently appointed Secretary of State for Northern Ireland James Brokenshire has ruled out the possibility of any type of border poll, backing the stance of current First Minister Arlene Foster. However the agreement stipulates that such a vote can only be called if there is evidence of a clear shift of public opinion in favour of Irish unity in Northern Ireland.

Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary Dave Anderson said the Conservative government was “badly prepared for Brexit” and he urged Mr Brokenshire to read recent reports which highlighted the economic difficulties.

She said that existing cross-border bodies are the best way to deal with the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.

In relation to Brexit Mr. Kenny said the stakes have always been higher on this issue for Ireland, than for any other EU Member State.

Northern Ireland, like Gibraltar and Scotland, voted largely to stay in the European Union while majorities in England and Wales opted to leave.

You, like us, need a day off.

That a large section of people in Northern Ireland, and the majority of the people of the island of Ireland, would like to see a United Ireland.

Republican Party Sinn Fein have called for a discussion about the constitutional question ever since the result of Britain’s referendum.


He stated that he is “very connected to the business community, very connected to the community and voluntary sector, very connected to the universities and I can tell you that there is absolute alarm in all of those interest groups about where we’re at”.

After the Brexit vote Prime Minister Enda Kenny is fending off demands by Northern Irish nationalists for a reunification poll