
Irom Sharmila breaks fast, wants to become chief minister

She launched her hunger strike in 2000 after security forces killed 10 people near her home following a rebel attack on a military convoy. On 26 July 2016, she created a furore when she told a court that she would give up her fast on 9 August, and contest as an independent candidate in the 2017 Assembly elections. The court said she could be released on furnishing a bail bond of Rs 10,000.


Sharmila explained that she wants to try different method of agitation.

Speaking to reporters, including from the foreign media, Sharmila said: “I will never forget this moment”.

She urged the court to expedite the process for her release, to which the court agreed and asked her to submit a bond.

Known as the Iron Lady of Manipur, Sharmila has spent most of the last 16 years under judicial custody in a hospital and has been force-fed through a tube inserted into her nose by authorities. “Two witnesses were examined today, the proceeding is closed”.

“I want to be the Chief Minister of Manipur to take positive steps”, she said. She also appealed to all concerned not to take her decision in a negative perspective.

She said he will contest elections and live in an “ashram”.

“The topmost priority will be the removal of this draconian law”, she said, referring to the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA).

On November 5, 2000 she was arrested three days after the fast and on November 21, 2000, she was force-fed through nasogastric intubation in order to keep her alive while under arrest, as her health had deteriorated severely.

Though a large number of her supporters and women activists under the forum of Sharmila Kunba Lup will be meeting her as she starts her new journey, Sharmila’s 84-year-old mother Shakhi Devi will be conspicuous by her absence.

Her brother also said he is waiting to meet Sharmila today to discuss future strategies. If the cause is strong enough, it will continue on its own steam, with or without Irom Sharmila’s fast. “But it is her desire”, her brother said. Talking about threats from radical groups over her decision to join politics, she said, “I don’t understand why some radical groups are against my joining politics”.

“Irom Sharmila’s decision to break her hunger strike gives India another chance to start a dialogue and recognize how the AFSPA has alienated Manipur for over 35 years”, he added.

Reports say that some local and national parties have sent feelers to her.

Earlier Tuesday, a judge had granted her bail after she assured him that she planned to end her fast.


Balo Loitangbom, a close associate of Irom Sharmila, said, “No politician met her in the last 15 years for even 15 minutes”.

Irom Sharmila