
Is AP’s Clinton Foundation report troubling?

“We’ve already found partners who want to take over some of this stuff”, Bill Clinton said Wednesday.


“If there’s something wrong with creating jobs and saving lives, I don’t know what it is”. I have nothing to say about it except that I’m really proud.

Bill Clinton on Wednesday said some of the donors, such as Bangladeshi Nobel Peace Prize victor Muhammad Yunis, have no trouble getting meetings with top diplomats and leaders.

In a wide-ranging interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night, Hillary Clinton discussed the allegations surrounding the Clinton Foundation and its donors, Donald Trump’s shifting immigration position, and his calling her “a bigot,” but Cooper also got Clinton to talk about her use of a private email server while secretary of state, and whether or not Colin Powell advised her to use a private email account – as she allegedly told the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Powell sort of disavowed.

The meetings between Clinton, now the Democratic presidential nominee, and foundation donors don’t appear to violate legal agreements both Clintons signed before she joined the State Department in 2009. Fifty-eight percent said they view Clinton unfavorably; 40 percent said they viewed the former Secretary of State favorably.

Yet the frequency of the overlaps shows the mixing of access and donations.

Critics, including Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, have seized on the report.

“We’re going to disband the Clinton Foundation if Hillary is elected president, but it’s okay if she was secretary of state?” And to chants of “Lock her up!” he told the crowd she ran the State Department like a Third World dictator. She described the story as “all smoke, no fire”.

“We’ll have to do more than when she was secretary of state, because if you make a mistake, there’s always appeal to the White House if you’re secretary of state”, Clinton said. “If you’re president, you can’t”.

Aides said Clinton will link Trump’s statements about immigration and religion to the rise of a political fringe movement in the USA known as the “alternative right”, which opposes multiculturalism and immigration.


Bill Clinton said the foundation would no longer hold annual meetings of its worldwide aid program, the Clinton Global Initiative, and it would spin off its foreign-based programs to other charities. “That’s all I’m concerned about”.

Representatives of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have participated in their first meeting with members of the Obama administration assigned to help pave the wave for a smooth transition of power in January